

Since the summers are getting hotter and hotter in our country, more and more people are getting a pool for their garden. Such a pool can be pure pleasure for the whole family. On a hot summer day a jump into the cool water is very refreshing. And swimming is also good for health.

To enjoy this pleasure undisturbed, you need to maintain your pool accordingly. If you do not, problems can quickly arise. Green water and algae infestation appear. The first signs that your pool water is tilting are cloudy pool water, the first green spots appear on the wall and bottom of your pool.

Algae in pool

To enjoy this pleasure undisturbed, you need to maintain your pool accordingly. If you do not, problems can quickly arise. Green water and algae infestation appear. The first signs that your pool water is tilting are cloudy pool water, the first green spots appear on the wall and bottom of your pool.

Pool water clear and free from algae

To keep the pool water clear and free of algae growth, a number of measures are required.
Leaves and foreign matter brought in from the outside can be easily removed mechanically from the pool water surface with a landing net. To clean the bottom of the pool, there are cleaning robots that do this work automatically.
The water in the pool is circulated in most pools. In this circulation is usually installed a pool filter or a whole filter system. These filters retain coarse dirt, and but also need to be flushed or cleaned regularly. Otherwise, the dirt threatens to impair the circulation.

Removing algae in the pool with chemicals

Most pool operators, on the advice of the pool manufacturer or the expert from the hardware store, use all sorts of chemical, means to get rid of the algae infestation in your pool. Chlorine or chlorine compounds are often used. If the pool is already green, shock chlorination is recommended. As the name implies, large amounts are added to the pool water. This chlorine kills the algae and the dead algae are then found in the filter system or they sink to the bottom of the pool. The Robotor can remove these at the same time as regular cleaning.
Too much chlorine in the pool water, impairs the bathing pleasure. The eyes burn, sensitive skin begins to itch.

Keep pH value stable

It is recommended to keep the pH value of the water stable in any case. First determine the pH value with a test strip. The best pH value is between 7 and 7.5. If the value in the pool water is above or below this, you can add pH value boosters or pH value reducers to the water.
Most backyard pools are exposed to the elements. This means that the pH value can change due to external influences, such as rain, leaves or other input. This means that you must regularly measure the pH value and readjust the pool water.

Without chemicals against algae in your pool

Our Merus Rings are successfully used against algae and bacteria or green pool water. Not only against green water in your pool. But also in the industry for example against algae growth in cooling towers, in public swimming pools or in ponds and fountains in urban facilities.

The key to reducing algae in water is preventing a biofilm in the pool as well. Without a biofilm on the pool walls or in the plumbing, algae proliferation in the pool is much lower. The algae then die faster and sink to the bottom of the pool. And are either transported to the filter system with the current of the circulation. Or the suction motor collects the brown algae at the same time when it comes by the next time.

Try the Merus rings and see if you too can operate your pool completely without chlorine. Then cleaning actions, as shown in the graphic, will be a thing of the past in your pool as well. The environment and your wallet will also be happy if they do the cleaning of your pool without expensive means.