
Classes for a climate-neutral lifestyle

Climate change is omnipresent.
We are already feeling its effects in many different ways. The problem is getting bigger and therefore more wide-ranging. It is no longer "just" about melting ice and shrinking biodiversity. It is also about emerging challenges such as global migration or new diseases.
This makes it more important that we draw attention to this issue. That we talk about it and try to show possibilities to reduce the effects of climate change.

Cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung sets the foundation with the educational competition "Schools for Future - Your ecological footprint counts". The topic of climate protection is taught in schools during lessons.
The aim is to sensitise the younger generations in an entertaining way. We want to qualify them to deal with the topic and, above all, to act. The students shall create a social media effective campaign on the topic of CO2 emissions and their consequences. The awareness for a climate-neutral lifestyle is to be raised. As a competition entry, the students choose a suitable platform (TikTok, Facebook, Instagram etc.) for their marketing campaign. In this way, not only subject competence is promoted, but also media competence, which is also playing an increasingly important role.
Since the environment and its preservation as well as climate neutrality are important points in our company philosophy, we support the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and all project participants in the implementation of the project.

Project schedule

The competition already started on 18th of January 2021. Over thousands of students and teachers from grades 7-12 have registered for this project. They want to present their thoughts, their commitment and their proposed solutions.
Different subjects will be involved, such as German, geography, economics, politics and science.
Different stations are passed through in the lessons of the respective teacher.

  1. Awareness-raising: The pupils' prior knowledge of the causes and effects of CO2 emissions is asked for and brainstormed in a mind map.
  2. Development: The students are divided into groups for specific topics and work on these. Suggestions are made as to which format should be chosen for the campaign.
  3. Securing results: The groups present their results to the class. The class decides which project should be implemented.

Once the classes have decided on a topic, it will be fleshed out and a contribution will be created using the think-pair-share method. This contribution is to be completed and submitted by 18th of April 2021.
Prizes will be awarded to the best competition entries. The contributions will also be published by the FAZ and us.

The greatest pleasure lies in the anticipation

We as Merus GmbH are allowed to be part of the jury and are looking forward to the cooperation with the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung and the commitment of all project participants. We are eagerly awaiting the creatively designed and also new approaches of young people to climate and environmental protection.
You will be able to see the results in a separate blog post, which will be published after the end of the competition.

We wish the participants good luck!

Tags: climate neutral People Philosophy SocialCommitment

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